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Bringing Joy Into Your Home

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Home is... what?

A dwelling of chaos?

A never ending list of projects and things to do?

A safe place?

Do you enjoy coming back home after work or being out with family or running all those errands?

Is there joy in your home?

A home devoid of joy is not a pleasant place to be.

Something my husband and I talk about frequently is how much we love coming back home. Even if we just had a great time at the zoo, going camping, having a family day, etc. Home is a place of joy and peace. My husband has often commented how much he loves coming home to us at the end of a busy workday.

How to Bring in the Joy

Here's a little list of things that we do that keep our home a place we love to be. Don't underestimate the little things you can do. It all cultivates a warm, safe, fun, and joyful environment for the whole family.

- Tidy up at the end of the day. Cleaning was maybe not the first thing you were hoping to see on this list. But I promise you this is an excellent practice. Every single evening after the kids are in bed, my husband and I tidy up the main area. This has become such an ingrained habit that we feel we cannot relax after the job is done. It's a great feeling to sit down afterwards and see a clean kitchen and no clutter all over the place. Then in the morning you get to start the day with a fresh tidy space! (All ready for the kids to destroy within 20 minutes. But hey. It is worth it.)

- Be thankful. There is always something to be grateful for. It has been proven by studies that thanksgiving has huge mental, spiritual, and emotional benefits. I find that I am always a little more uplifted after meditating on things I am thankful for. You can do this privately and with your family. In fact, I'd say incorporating both methods will not only bring in an air of joy, but grow your relationships with one another as well.

- Put on music. Uplifting music does wonders for the soul. And seriously, break out of your shell and even let yourself dance! (Bonus: kids love a dance party! What a great way to shake out the grumpies.) Music is known to reduce stress, improve cognitive skills, and help you focus. I got looking into how music effects our brains and health and it's incredibly fascinating!

- Invest in your marriage. This may be the most important and joy impacting aspect in a home. Is it not true that a home with a strong healthy marriage has an entirely different atmosphere than a home with a tense, non communicative, and bitter marriage? Kiss and hug, serve one another, uplift and encourage, dream, support, love, laugh... All these things cultivate joy into the home.

- Unplug and slow down. We live in such an overstimulating fast paced world, that we can get so easily overwhelmed and stressed by the constant noise. Joy can grow in quiet. Sitting in peace. This doesn't have to look like crossing your legs, closing your eyes, and chanting "ohmmmm". It could look like turning your phone off and reading a book. Chatting with your spouse. Sitting with a warm cup of coffee. Journaling. These are all great tools for slowing down.

- Quality time with family. A lot of my joyful memories growing up are of me and my family all playing a board game, or having a mealtime at the table, or watching a movie together. Having fun and laughing together is a serious joy booster. In the evenings between supper and the kids' bedtime, there's this sweet spot where my husband and I play with our kids. There's nothing like watching my husband chase our toddler around then hearing those pure giggles as Daddy catches him, all the while our infant daughter claps and laughs as she observes the silly antics. The room absolutely buzzes with joy during those times!

- Prayer. This could be integrated into thanksgiving, meditation, being quiet, etc. Ultimately, our joy comes from the Lord! If you feel you are lacking in the joy department, you can ask God to fill you. Romans 5:13 says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

What Brings you Joy?

While reading through this list, are there any parts that really stuck out to you? Anything that would spark joy for you? Or perhaps you are coming up with some other ideas! It is most certainly worth thinking about and applying into your daily life.

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I'm a stay at home mom of two and wife to an amazing husband. I am passionate about family life and enjoy sharing my experiences with others. 

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